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Mental Notes pour mois …

  • no need to block ssh access to swallowtail or petal tail
  • bring job count up, delete accounts files
  • make sure dhcpd is stopped on swallowtail
  • remove compute-01
  • back up 'good files'
  • release nodes on swallowtail
  • PXEboot
  • add to new cluster
  • custom image
  • scp over lsb.accts files from lsf_archive
  • also the disk and queue log files
  • had to stop|start lsf_daemons to get LSF going
  • reroute the power cords on side of rack
  • free ports 47*48 on both ethernet switches
  • reconfigure LSF queues (&licenses, remove & add)
  • open petaltail for business (jobs can be submitted)
  • keep swallowtail up for a few days (no access)
  • reimage swallowtail as master LSF candidate
  • reposition swallowtail as LSF master, petatail as LSF secondary (and repository manager)
cluster/77.1246453797.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/07/01 13:09 by hmeij