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EMS Implementation Timeline

EMS Kick-off Meeting March 6, 2007

  • Project Leader: Cheryl Hagner
  • Core Members: Barbara Ally, Ed Below, Brandi Cahill, Kirsten Carlson, Ed Chiburis, Rick Culliton, Jeff Chen, Mary Glynn, Cheryl Hagner, Daune' Oliveira, Bob Russo, Anna van der Burg, Richard Whitmore

3/16/2007: Infrastructure Complete

James Taft, Steve Windsor, Mary Glynn, Tom Dimauro
  • Servers ordered.
  • Windows OS, IIS and SQLServer Database installed and configured.
  • EMS Software installed.

On-Going: Data Clean-Up, Modelling, Integration in preparation for conversion (on-going)

Cheryl Hagner, Barbara Spalding, Daune' Oliveira, Mary Glynn, Ed Below, Dan Koepf
  • Scheduler Plus
  • PeopleSoft
  • Facilities Databases
  • Course Data
EMS, Daune', Mary, Cheryl et al
  • Implement strategy for conversion/integration of Scheduler Plus, PeopleSoft, Facilities data.
  • Play around with EMS to learn how it works.

3/14/2007: Data Shipped to EMS - Mary

3/20/2007: Review Implementation Guide and Create List Priority - Mary, Cheryl, Brandi

3/20/2007: Data Returned from EMS - Mary

3/27/2007: Users Review EMS w. Wes Data - All Project Members (APM)

  • Review and refine data and functionality understanding.

April: Introduce departmental space owner to EMS - All Project Members (APM)

6/4/2007: Production Conversion and Configuration - APM

  • Test Conversion and Usage Assumptions
  • Final Sign-off for full usage

6/4/2007-8/15/2007: Perfect system usage and understanding - APM

6/4/2007-8/15/2007: Incorporate Unversity Web Calendar and EMS - Pat Leone, Mary, Cheryl, Steve M.

8/15/2007-9/15/2007: Introduce Departmental Users - APM

Answers to EMS Project Member Questions

Q: Is there a Mac client for EMS.

A: There is not an administrative Mac client for EMS. The Web interface for reservation requests works equally well for Macs and PCs.

Old Notes Old Notes Old Notes Old Notes Old Notes

Conference Call with Jessie from EMS 1/31/2007

  1. Preserving set-up data through the multiple upgrades.
  2. Steps for loading course data through EMS import.
  3. Training Questions
    • Levels of training?
    • When to schedule?
  4. Additional Questions?

Jesse email set-up guide and Sql*server specifications

ems_implementation.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/23 21:49 by mglynn