Honeywell Emergency Messaging
“Honeywell Instant Alert for Schools is a web based emergency notification and communication service designed to provide School Admindistrators a way to rapidly, effectively and accurately reach every student and student's family in an emergency and provide a definitive course of action with confidence.” from Honeywell
Wesleyan will be deploying the Instant Alert System as part of its business continuity plan.
The system features:
Multiple emergency contacts: Father, Mother, Friend, Aunt.
Multiple electronic communications modes: Cell phone, regular phone, pager and email communication.
Multiple alert levels: Emergency (fires, floods, flu epidemic), Moderate (sick child), Routine (Commencement moved to Tent).
A configuration grid which allows complex combinations of emergency contacts, communications modes and alert levels.
Wesleyan's contract will cover 4,000 users for student, faculty and staff.
Implementation Steps
Contract reviewed and signed 9/20/2006
Initial Focus Emergency Alerts
Develop comprehensive Timeline. All
=== Initial Timeline ===
- Call initial kick-off meeting w. Jay Lewis, HoneyWell implementer (617) 519-0182. **Steve M.**
- DataLoad ready October 10th.
- Training starting October 23th.
- Proposed Launch November 1st.
- Marketing Launch November 7th.
Data Load
Provide Honeywell with initial dataload. Steve M., Registrar, AA, HR, Dan K., Annette
Honeywell loads data into Instant Alert.
Develop understanding of data flows from Honeywell back to System-of-Record PeopleSoft. (Phase II Post 11/1/2006).
Develop Schedule.
Data Requirements:
Preferred File Type: Microsoft Excel
Student Info:
WesID (user-defined field that we will need)
Student First
Student Last
Student Sex
Student Date of Birth
Student Grade
Cell Phone
Home Phone
Email address
School they attend (Wesleyan)
Parent(s) First (we should assume both parents and need a parental indicator)
Last Name
Cell Phone
Home Phone
Email address
Faculty/Staff Info:
Bold = required
Marketing Launch
Communicate program to students, parents, faculty and staff. Communications, Parents Prog., Registrars, AA and HR
Develop WebPage, Mailing and emails to above.
Develop Timeline.
Wesleyan's Advantage to train adminstrators representing the total community: Communications, Registrar, Academic Affairs, Deans and HR.
ITS training to work with Jay Lewis.