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Honeywell Emergency Messaging

“Honeywell Instant Alert for Schools is a web based emergency notification and communication service designed to provide School Admindistrators a way to rapidly, effectively and accurately reach every student and student's family in an emergency and provide a definitive course of action with confidence.” from Honeywell

Wesleyan will be deploying the Instant Alert System as part of its business continuity plan. The system features:

  • Multiple emergency contacts: Father, Mother, Friend, Aunt.
  • Multiple electronic communications modes: Cell phone, regular phone, pager and email communication.
  • Multiple alert levels: Emergency (fires, floods, flu epidemic), Moderate (sick child), Routine (Commencement moved to Tent).
  • A configuration grid which allows complex combinations of emergency contacts, communications modes and alert levels.

Wesleyan's contract will cover 4,000 users for student, faculty and staff.

Implementation Steps


  • Contract reviewed and signed 9/20/2006
  • Initial Focus Emergency Alerts
  • Develop comprehensive Timeline. All
=== Initial Timeline ===
 -  Call initial kick-off meeting w. Jay Lewis, HoneyWell implementer (617) 519-0182. **Steve M.**
 -  DataLoad ready October 10th.
 -  Training starting October 23th.
 -  Proposed Launch November 1st.
 -  Marketing Launch November 7th.

Data Load

  • Provide Honeywell with initial dataload. Steve M., Registrar, AA, HR, Dan K., Annette
  • Honeywell loads data into Instant Alert.
  • Develop understanding of data flows from Honeywell back to System-of-Record PeopleSoft. (Phase II Post 11/1/2006).
  • Develop Schedule.
  • Data Requirements:

Preferred File Type: Microsoft Excel

Student Info:

  • WesID (user-defined field that we will need)
  • Student First
  • Student Last
  • Student Sex
  • Student Date of Birth
  • Student Grade
  • Cell Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Email address
  • School they attend (Wesleyan)
  • Parent(s) First (we should assume both parents and need a parental indicator)
  • Last Name
  • Cell Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Email address

Faculty/Staff Info:

  • WesID (user-defined field that we will need)
  • First/Last Name
  • Home Phone
  • School in which they are a Faculty/Staff member
  • Email
  • Cell Phone
  • Emergency Contact #1
  • Home Phone
  • Email
  • Cell Phone

Bold = required

Marketing Launch

  • Communicate program to students, parents, faculty and staff. Communications, Parents Prog., Registrars, AA and HR
  • Develop WebPage, Mailing and emails to above.
  • Develop Timeline.


  • Wesleyan's Advantage to train adminstrators representing the total community: Communications, Registrar, Academic Affairs, Deans and HR.
  • ITS training to work with Jay Lewis.
honeywell_emergency.txt · Last modified: 2006/10/05 13:58 (external edit)