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ITS / Library Projects

This is a list of projects that the Library and ITS are working on together, organized by Active projects, followed by Future Project. An archive of Completed ITS/Library Projects is also available.

Active Projects

Scholarly communication

Babara Jones, Dan Schnaidt, and Billy Weitzer attended the Institute in early July 2006. The library Collections Group will be working on how to educate the Wesleyan community on issues surrounding scholarly communication this year.
Update: At the next faculty meeting in October, Barbara will do a 10-minute presentation on scholarly communication. She is also scheduled to speak at the NSM lunch on October 6. Mike will develop a template for a scholarly communication page with basic information and links to author rights and the Wesleyan serial subscription review/cancellation project.

Date updated: 9/21/06

Wireless access and computers in Olin

This summer, Dale Lee and Ken Taillon increased the number of wireless access points in Olin and the Science Library.
Update: Ravi will ask WesTel to provide an estimate for running data lines to the proposed computers on the north wall of the Campbell Reference Center (CRC) in Olin. Dale will convene a meeting of selected ITS staff and Steve Bischof to prepare a detailed cost estimate for adding computers to the CRC and for adding power both to the tables in the CRC and to the room in the Science Library where the psychology bound journals are now housed. The estimate will then be presented at the ITS/Library meeting.

Date updated: 11/16/06

ITS/Library conversations with faculty

In January 2006 faculty were selected to meet with a librarian and an ITS professional to discuss library and ITS services. These conversations took place in the winter and spring of 2006. Mike Roy will ask ITS and library participants to send their notes to him, and distribute them to the people in charge of each section.
Update: Mike expects progress on this project by the next ITS/Library meeting in October.

Date updated: 9/21/06

Information Commons statistics

Pat Tully will analyze the online Information Commons statistics for the spring of 2006, and develop a list of possible reports. She will send this list to ITS so they can develop a way to run them within the application.
Update: No update.

Date updated: 9/21/06

Intellectual property website

The site is ready to link. Mike listed possible link-from sites:
1. Teaching Matters - DONE
2. Anything to do with reserves - Pat will arrange with EunJoo.
3. Blackboard support pages - Mike will arrange with Jolee.
4. Digitization service - Mike will arrange with Allynn.
5. Academic Affairs website - Barbara will talk to Academic Affairs.
Also, need to develop language about file sharing that can be integrated into IP site.

Date updated: 9/21/06

Visual Resource database

The Visual Resource Group will choose finalists next week. The group will later arrange for testing by students, faculty, librarians and anyone else likely to use the database. Question: Where will the funding come from?
Note: The Visual Resource project is included in Content Management (see below).

Date updated: 9/21/06

World Music Archives

Mike Roy will work with Alec McLane and Allynn Wilkinson on a list of WMA projects which could be considered for grants. Mike plans to meet with them to do the preliminary planning and prioritizing, so that they are prepared to act quickly when grant or other opportunities present themselves.
Update: Barbara, Mike, Alec and Allynn will meet to determine a pilot project to do in order to demonstrate what is possible. Hardware for this project may be available from ITS.

Date updated: 9/21/06

Subject research guides quick-fix

Mike will shift this project to Phil Isaacs to get the php code fixed so the subject research guides can be updated.

Date updated: 9/21/06

Linking Voyager to FRS

Barbara will check with Steve Bischof. Mary Glynn is waiting for Steve to give her the information she needs to move forward.

Date updated: 9/21/06

Content Management

Barbara Jones, Ganesan Ravishanker and Mike Roy are coordinating the efforts of this group to come up with an overall strategy for content management at Wesleyan University. Subgroups are currently developing definitions of categories of content.
Update: Barbara and Pat will ask Academic Affairs for the $30,000 needed to purchase disk space for future library projects.
Note: See also Visual Resources database above.

Date updated: 11/16/06


A group from the library and ITS will be getting training and then doing ethnographic research in Fall 2006 with an eye towards renovating a space (perhaps in the science library) for student group study. See for further details.

Date updated: 9/20/2006

RSS Feeds

Investigate how to get RSS Feeds out of Voyager for inclusion in various other pages, and delivery to RSS readers. Also, create a guide to Wesleyan RSS Feeds, and to other useful RSS feeds from elsewhere. Pat will bring this up in ERATs this fall. Mike is arranging with NITLE to host a Web 2.0 workshop at Wesleyan that will introduce services such as RSS feeds.

Date updated: 9/15/06

Public Computer Management and Budget

Examine the long-term plans for public computers in all the libraries, and how that relates to overall campus plans for public computers.
Update: Dale will compile a complete list of all library computer equipment that needs to be supported, by mid-January 2007.

Date updated: 11/16/06

Future (possible) projects

Subject Guides Re-do

ERATS group will discuss further the idea of re-vamping our subject guides.

Date updated: 7/18/06

Voyager reports

Steve Bischof, Sally Grucan, EunJoo Lee, Barbara Jones and Pat Tully will meet on July 18 to discuss what reports need to be run from Voyager. With this information, the library and ITS wil explore whether it might be easier to run reports using a program such as Crystal Reports of HTML DB.
Will be taken up again after the R2 consulting visit in the spring of 2007.

Date updated: 8/21/06

Guide to Local Libraries, Special Collections, Special Libraries

Create a page to provide information about libraries, historical societies, museums, and other places that have unique holdings that Wesleyan community might find useful.

Date updated: 7/18/06

Re-do of Index and Database Pages

A number of librarians think it may be time to re-do the index and database page, pointing to the Columbia page as a good example.

Date updated: 9/15/06

One card for photocopies

Develop a plan for allowing the purchase of copies via Blackboard Onecard

Date updated: 9/15/06

library/library_its_joint_initiatives.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/12 14:31 (external edit)