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Social Media

Members of the Social Media Working Group

  1. Dan Schnaidt
  2. Emmanuel Paris
  3. Bill Holder
  4. Jenn Carlstrom
  5. Jane Jylkka
  6. Daniel Pflederer
  7. Anna van der Burg

Candidates for Wesleyan Podcasting Service

(At $29.95 it is an affordable and easy to use desktop application for recording audio over PowerPoint lectures, and uploading as podcast. In spite of new features and an improved interface, Profcast continues to be unstable. We should not recommend it for classroom use. Reassess in 6 months. 4/18/07—Dan S.)

- Drupal Drupal is no longer in contention for blogging.

(The Podcasting capability can be licensed as part of the centrally managed classroom recording software. Because it is classroom specific, and we are only licensed for three classrooms, it does not address our broader need. —Dan S. 4/18/07)

(Podcast Producer is part of OS X Server 10.5. Because of problems with the iPhone, Apple has delayed the OS release until October.)

Hosted podcasting Services We Might Recommend

  1. iTunes U
  2. switchpod - free hosting/ads
  3. Podcasting News list of podcast hosting services

Podcasting Requirements

Beyond the base Web 2.0 requirements, podcasting requires a recording device, a server that generates an RSS feed, and a player, such as iTunes.

Examples of Podcasting in Higher Ed

Expressions of Interest At Wesleyan

Teaching and learning this is a definite area of interest. Faculty who have participated in the classroom recording pilot include Steve Devoto, Richard Edelstein, Antonio Gonzalez, Mike Mcalear, Steve Calter, Catherine Ostrow, and Fred Cohan. EPC knows about this project and will help to determine scope after pilot concludes at end of spring semester. -Dan Schnaidt

Athletics I didn't find many schools that advertised podcasting of their sporting events but I did see in the link for Bowdoin's podcast that they include athletics. Speaking with Brian Katten, as we are currently webcasting many of the sporting events on campus, I think it is a logical step to create a podcast for alumni and parents to get notified of their child's sporting event. I think this could also be good for prospective students to see our sporting events. I think the trouble is in the money of funding this type of endeavor. -Jenn Carlstrom

News/Alumni/WesSeminars All of us with communications responsibilities for alumni, whether in University Relations or Public Affairs, are interested in the potential of podcasting. I think the most immediate question is whether we can identify a pilot project that will help all of us to understand better the balance between resources required and potential payoff.

University Relations is interested in doing some pilot podcasts of these events. So let's target Reunion and maybe Jim Lehrer's talk at Commencement. -Bill Holder

Lecture series (public) CHUM has 10 lectures per semester, and Jill Morawski is very interested. Once problem is that they have a tiny budget and struggle already with the cost ($60) of hiring a Special Events student to help with AV. -Dan Schnaidt

CFA performances, events Lex Leifheit created podcast of Nina Felshin talking about each piece in an exhibit during fall of 06. There is continued interest in podcasting for exhibitions, in support of subscription sales and the activities of resident artists. Pam believes there should be multiple points of entry on the web – on the CFA site and within other locations on Wes web were campus podcasts are collected. -Dan Schnaidt

Admissions Charlotte Lazor created WesFes podcast, spring 06. Logs did not show a lot of activity. She also created an Open House podcast in fall of 06. -Dan Schnaidt

Training In discussions with the Wesleyan Human Resources staff, I have found that although PodCasting would be a good tool for regular session type training (i.e. supervisor training, sexual harrassment, interview protocol) it does not lend itself well to the HRMS system training. Unfortunately also there would need to be a sign-off that the individuals actually watched the training session which may make using PodCasting a bit difficult, being a decentralized communication outreach tool. I have also found out that out of the entire “Colgate Group”, a group of Human Resources Directors at small private colleges and Universities, that only one University said they even knew what podcasting was, and it didn't seem like an appropriate tool for training.

In summation, if podcasting is available to the Human Resources department, I feel it would be used very infrequently, but very useful when the time comes to communication a training session to the entire staff. -Dan Pflederer

Examples from elsewhere

Other Social Media Examples (non-podcasting)

  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • LibraryThing
its/podcasting.txt · Last modified: 2007/04/30 16:03 (external edit)